by Brook

JJ – Tartine-moi et autres textes
Jill Johnston
Brook - 18.00€ -

JJ brings together articles by cultural critic, auto/biographer, and lesbian icon Jill Johnston, translated into French for the first time, as well as texts, poems and drawings by Pauline L. Boulba, Aminata Labor, Nina Kennel and Rosanna Puyol.

Jill Johnston (1929-2010) was a dance critic, performer, writer, and feminist and lesbian activist. Her books include Marmalade Me (1971), Lesbian Nation (1973), Gullibles Travels (1974) and numerous articles in The Village Voice.

Texts by Jill Johnston; contributions by Pauline L. Boulba, Aminata Labor, Nina Kennel, Rosanna Puyol.

Translated from the English (American) by Pauline L. Boulba, Aminata Labor, Nina Kennel, Rosanna Puyol.

Graphic design: Sophie Demay & Maël Fournier-Comte (In the Shade of a Tree).

Bonbons à l'anis
Cecilia Pavón
Brook - 18.00€ -

The first collection of texts published in French by the Argentinian artist and poet.

Preface by Chris Kraus.

Translated from the English and Spanish by Marion Vasseur Raluy, Rosanna Puyol Boralevi and Mona Varichon.

À perte de mère – Sur les routes atlantiques de l'esclavage
Saidiya Hartman
Brook - 22.00€ -

Saidiya Hartman traces the history of the Atlantic slave trade by recounting a journey she took along a slave route in Ghana. Following the trail of captives from the hinterland to the Atlantic coast, she reckons with the blank slate of her own genealogy and vividly dramatizes the effects of slavery on three centuries of African and African American history.

Saidiya Hartman, professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, is a scholar of African American literature and cultural history.

Preface by Maboula Soumahoro.

Translated from the English (American) by Maboula Soumahoro (original title: Lose Your Mother. A Journey Along The Atlantic Slave Route, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007).

Textes à lire à voix haute
Collectif Brasa
Brook - 22.00€ -  out of stock

A collection of texts by fifteen contemporary Brazilian authors who approach the notions of care and privilege from a transfeminist, anti-racist and decolonialcritical perspective.

Edited by Diane Lima, Cíntia Guedes, abigail Campos Leal.

Texts by Ricardo Aleixo, Pacha Ana, Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro, Monna Brutal, Rebeca Carapiá, Pêdra Costa, Ingrid Martins, muSa Michelle Mattiuzzi, Jota Mombaça, tatiana nascimento, Elton Panamby, Grace Passô, Miro Spinelli, Preto Téo, Lucas Veiga.

Translated from the Portuguese (Brasil) by Luana Almeida, Valentina D'Avenia, Léa Meier, aurore/a zachayus.

Les sous-communs – Planification fugitive et étude noire
Fred Moten & Stefano Harney
Brook - 18.00€ -  out of stock

A political and aesthetic critique of racial capitalism and modes of social experimentation in the form of resistance to the colonial commons.

Stefano Harney (born 1962) is Honorary Professor at The Institute of Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia and a Visiting Critic at Yale School of Art. He has held teaching positions in New York, Leicester, London, and Singapore. He now teaches at the Dutch Art Institute. An interdisciplinary scholar, his research spans (the intersections of) social sciences, arts and humanities, as well as the fields of business and management.

Preface by Jack Halberstam.
Collective translation (original title: The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study, Minor Compositions, 2013).

Graphic design: Sophie Demay & Maël Fournier-Comte (In the Shade of a Tree).
published in February 2022
French edition
12,5 x 19,5 cm (softcover)
208 pages

Cruiser L'Utopie
José Esteban Muñoz
Brook - 22.00€ -  out of stock

First French translation of José Esteban Muñoz's field defining work—an intellectual inspiration for a generation of LGBTQ scholars.

Cruiser l'utopie describes a movement, a drifting advance between theory, philosophy, art criticism and personal narrative. The works cited, narrated, are mixed with family or individual narrative and more academic considerations. This practice of queer theory and aesthetics is part of a new interpretation of hope as perceived by philosopher Ernst Bloch, articulated with black radical thought and the poetic research of authors such as Fred Moten and Eileen Myles. 

Muñoz focuses here on the period of the Stonewall revolts (New York, 1969) and analyzes, for example, the works of Frank O'Hara, King Jone/Amiri Baraka, Andy Warhol, Kevin Avance, Samuel R. Delany, Fred Herko, Jill Johnston, Ray Johnson. Queer theory as a study has a new way of researching and writing, a form of hybridity between philosophy and cultural studies. The critique is, as if by anticipation, contained in the counter-normative artistic practice and daily life whose narratives, both subjective and historical, hint at a queer future, a place of transformation and liberation. 

The text, translated from English by Alice Wambergue, is accompanied by a preface by Elisabeth Lebovici and a poem by Fred Moten.

José Esteban Muñoz (1967 - 2013) is a queer scholar and art theorist. Author of The Sense of Brown (published posthumously in 2020), Cruising Utopia, the Aftermath and Elsewhere of Queer Advent (2009), and Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics (1999), he edited the collective works Pop Out: Queer Warhol (1996) and Everynight Life: Culture and Dance in Latin/o America (1997). Muñoz has long taught in the Department of Performance Studies at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and edited the Sexual Cultures series at New University Press, where he has published works such as Jack Halberstam and Samuel Delany.

Zones Mortes
Shulamith Firestone
Brook - 18.00€ -

First French translation of Shulamith Firestone's first novel.

Originally published by Semiotext(e) in 1998, Airless Spaces is Shulamith Firestone's first novel. She writes this short stories gradually moving away from a career as a feminist activist; while finding herself increasingly close to a state of breathlessness. The stories center around people in the grip of a seemingly endemic poverty in New York, worn out by the back and forth of psychiatric hospitals and a sclerotic daily life. On the back cover of the original edition, we read the words of the poet Eileen Myles: “In the century I'm most familiar with, the 20th, the explosion was never-ending, the pieces tinier and tinier. Shulamith Firestone, in her radical insider's tale, informs us repeatedly like lightly pelting rain that all of us are vanishing in a century of institutions that take and take until everyone has gone away and there's no one left to shut the door.”

The French edition that we offer here, in a translation by Émilie Notéris, is accompanied by a text by Chris Kraus, author and first editor of the book.

Shulamith Firestone (1945 - 2012) is a feminist writer, activist and artist. After studying painting at the Art Institute of Chicago, she moved to New York where she co-founded the feminist groups New York Radical Women (1967), Redstockings (1969) and New York Radical Feminists (1969). In 1970, when she was only 25 years old, she publieshed the book The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for a Feminist Revolution. Firestone theorizes cybernetic communism as a system that enables the liberation of women, while at the same time putting an end to biological and social inequalities linked to reproduction and the education of children, in particular through technological emancipation.

published in May 2020

French edition
12,5 x 19,5 cm (softcover)
154 pages

Fétichisme et curiosité
Laura Mulvey
Brook - 22.00€ -  out of stock

French edition of Laura Mulvey's writings which range from analyses of XalaCitizen Kane and Blue Velvet, to an extended engagement with the creations of Native American artist Jimmie Durham and the feminist photographer Cindy Sherman. Essays explore the concept of fetishism as developed by Marx and Freud, and how it relates to the ways in which artistic texts work. 

Translated from the English by Guillaume Mélère. 
Preface by Clara Schulmann.

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