by Risiko Press

Risiko Press - 10.00€ -  out of stock

"Waterslides is a falling and plunging, short starts and stops aided by movement, until we splash, climb and plunge again. Each sliding is the same but different—with each descent new expectations and thoughts swirl, shifting focus and gaining new insights or blockages. Waterslides are brief moments of remembering, remembering as a present tense activity, one that happens as we think of it, projected on our now. The waterslide is the moment of past and present working in tandem, a movement of repeating, revisiting and remembering all at once.”

Written by nvk 2021-2023. Dedicated to Judi, MM & TNN.

A version of these poems was published as an audio work through Ignota Press’ The Mountain (2023) and included in a reading with James Loop on Montez Press Radio (2023). nvk would like to thank Jan Matthé, Stine Sampers and Michelangelo Miccolis for their patience & love.

This book was first presented at Kransen in Antwerp, May 6th 2023, with a performance by Sassy (costume by Rosa Schützendorf). Printed and bound at Risiko Press, Borgerhout. Cover image by nvk. Fonts: Adonis, Garamond Pro. Limited to 150 copies.

128x195mm, 16p., stapled, cover: green, yellow and black risoprint on 160gsm caramel paper, inside: black and blue riso on 120gsm Munken Pure paper.

Gedichten en gedachten in het Frans
Stéphane Schraenen
Risiko Press - 14.00€ -

Written in La Ferme Arpoix (Ceaux-en-Loudun) and Paris, 1998. Dedicated to Guy.

Staple bound, ltd. to 200 copies. Riso-printed on Munken Pure Rough 120gsm by Risiko Press in Borgerhout, covers silkscreened on Eskaboard by Maarten de With, copy editing by Sis Matthé, design by Kaye & Matthé, typeface: Elementa.

[The title of this book is in Dutch, the text is in French]

"Met dank aan Eliane Van De Velde en Marie-Sophie Beinke."

Jan Matthé
Risiko Press - 10.00€ -  out of stock

Written and edited in Biarritz, Borgerhout and Midsommarkransen, 2016—2021. Dedicated to Räffi, with much love. Another version of this text was published in Pfeil Magazin 10 (Montez Press, 2018); editor: Anja Dietmann, copy-editor: Stacy Skulnik. Epigraph from Numéro Deux (1975) by Anne-Marie Miéville and Jean-Luc Godard. Presented on Saturday February 5th 2022 at Kransen, Borgerhout.

128x201mm, 40p, staple bound. Riso-printed on Arcoprint Edizioni Avorio 90g and Clairefontaine Blue 210g. Design by Kaye–Matthé, typefaces: Tribute, Gillies Gothic Light. Printed by Risiko Press at Kransen, covers silkscreened at Afreux, bound by Drukkerijcollectief De Wrikker. Edition of around 200.

keeps crashing down the same
Stine Sampers
Risiko Press - 14.00€ -  out of stock

keeps crashing down the same period in my text between the paragraphs and i forgot about the crush is a book by Stine Sampers, 114 pages of her collected "predictive text songs" written between April 2018 and January 2019 in Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Alveringem, Amsterdam and Berrias-et-Casteljau with a Samsung Galaxy S5 (stolen in October 2018 in Brussels) and a Samsung Galaxy S7 (that had to be taught vocabulary). Cover image by Deveny Faruque, afterword by Maru Mushtrieva:

"Here, the longing for the Other – unsurmountable distance – is actualized not only by the content but also by the compositional design itself. What at first glance appears to be a stream of consciousness, is in fact a synthesis of vocabulary from past text messages. While composing them, Stine Sampers used her phone’s algorithm to decide what to say next, with suggestions coming from the text messages previously exchanged with her friends. The words from different contexts, once chosen carefully, now belong to the careless vocabulary of a machine, welcomed into a loop of misrecognition."

Published Nov 2020

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