Lesbian Fiction

Gail Scott
Coach House Books - 18.00€ -  out of stock

In a bathtub in a rooming house in Montreal in 1980, a woman tries to imagine a new life for herself: a life after a passionate affair with a man while falling for a woman, a life that makes sense after her deep involvement in far left politics during the turbulent seventies of Quebec, a life whose form she knows can only be grasped as she speaks it. A new, revised edition of a seminal work of edgy, experimental feminism. With a foreword by Eileen Myles.

A Generous Spirit: Selected Work by Beth Brant
Janice Gould (ed.)
Sinister Wisdom - 12.00€ -

Sinister Wisdom and Inanna Publications & Education Inc. are proud to present a new volume of the work of Native American writer Beth Brant, edited by Janice Gould.

A Generous Spirit: Selected Work by Beth Brant collects the writing of Beth Brant, Mohawk lesbian poet, essayist and activist. During her life, Brant’s work gave voice to an often unacknowledged Two-Spirit identity, and today, her words represent continued strength, growth, and connection in the face of deep suffering.

A Generous Spirit is Brant’s portrait of survival and empathy at the intersection of Native American and lesbian experience. A Generous Spirit recounts and enacts the continuance of her people and her sisters with distinct, organic voices and Brant’s characteristic warmth. Her work is a simultaneous cry of grief and celebration of human compassion and connection in its shared experience. Through storytelling, her characters wrest their own voices from years of silence and find communion with other souls.

With a substantial introduction by Janice Gould situating Brant in a broader political and literary context, a foreword by acclaimed Canadian poet Lee Maracle, and a moving afterword by scholar and poet Deborah Miranda, A Generous Spirit is a tribute to the influence of Brant on a generation of Indigenous writers.

The New Fuck You
Eileen Myles and Liz Kotz (ed.)
Semiotext(e) - 15.00€ -

Borrowing its name from the notorious '60s Ed Sanders magazine, Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts, the editors have figured a way to rehone its countercultural and frictional stance with style and aplomb. A unique and provocative anthology of lesbian writing, guaranteed to soothe the soulful and savage the soulless. Includes Adele Bertei, Holly Hughes, Sapphire, Laurie Weeks, and many more.

Bertha Harris
New York University Press - 28.00€ -  out of stock

A landmark work of lesbian literature, Lover was first published in 1972 by the now-defunct feminist press, Daughters, to tremendous critical acclaim. Emerging out of the women's and gay liberation movement alongside the early work of such writers as Rita Mae Brown and Jill Johnston, the novel features fictional and historical characters who run the gamut from saint to poor white trash, and who are by turn vulnerable and strong. One of the finest examples of early post-Stonewall lesbian fiction, Lover is poised to entice a new generation of readers.

A Lover's Discourse
Sharon Kivland
Ma Bibliotheque - 10.00€ -  out of stock
I read unsolicited ‘encounter’ emails as if they were intended for me alone in a sincere desire for a real love relation, until their repetition bored me.I posted them on Facebook, while I sought their form. My friend A. C. wrote to tell me how much he was enjoying my lover’s discourse. The form became clear: after the French edition of Roland Barthes’s Fragments d’un discours amoureux (“Tel Quel”, Seuil, 1977).
Reading Nana
Sharon Kivland
Ma Bibliotheque - 10.00€ -  out of stock
Emile Zola’s novel Nana is re-read and re-written,ghost-written, condensed according to soft furnishings, lighting effects (including metaphor), other women, death and dying, cats, anti-semitism, money, smell, and many other categories.
Clara Pacotte
Éditions Oparo - 12.00€ -  out of stock

Une exploratrice terrienne découvre OMAOOG-deemw, une planète d’un autre système solaire. Elle se confronte à la civilisation MNRVWX, et apprend à connaître ce peuple non-binaire qui communique par ondes.

Ce roman composé de textes indépendants explore les possibilités de vie alternatives par le biais de la science fiction, tant au niveau du genre que du point de vue d'autre formes d'échanges entre "humains" et entre espèces.

Chaque texte a donné lieu à une performance, ou incursion dans le réel, au fil de l'année que j'ai passée à les écrire.

How To Become (...)
The Cheapest University
Dear Queer - 10.00€ -  out of stock

How to become a soft corpse recomposed in light fabric ou comment laisser les cadavres saigner de la porte du placard, comment anti-citer comme la reine de chicane les yeux couverts de cuir, comment s’écrit Madame X, comment s’échoïser dans le trou noir de l’identité – qui PARLE quand on parle?

Linda Stupart
Arcadia Missa - 12.00€ -  out of stock

* tentacle sex
* Kathy Acker
* the violent deaths of male genius artists, philosophers and theorists
* zombies
* sirens
* biohacking
* rampant plagiarism
* cop killing
* spells you can use at home

Living as a Lesbian
Cheryl Clarke
Sinister Wisdom - 7.00€ -  out of stock

Sinister Wisdom 91 is a joint release: an issue of Sinister Wisdom and a trade paperback book. Living as a Lesbian, co-published with A Midsummer Night’s Press, is issue 91 of Sinister Wisdom and the second book in a new series, Sapphic Classics.

Living as a Lesbian is Cheryl Clarke’s paean to lesbian life. Filled with sounds from her childhood in Washington, DC, the riffs of jazz musicians, and bluesy incantations, Living as a Lesbian sings like a marimba, whispering “i am, i am in love with you.”
Living as a Lesbian chronicles Clarke’s years of literary and political activism with anger, passion, and determination. Clarke mourns the death of Kimako Baraka (“sister of famous artist brother”), celebrates the life of Indira Gandhi, and chronicles all kinds of disasters—natural and human-made. The world is large in Living as a Lesbian but also personal and intimate. These poems are closely observed and finely wrought, with Clarke’s characteristic charm and wit shining throughout.

In 1986, Living as a Lesbian captured the vitality and volatility of the lesbian world; today, in a world both changed and unchanged, Clarke’s poems continue to illuminate our lives and make new meanings for Living as a Lesbian.

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