by Marine Forestier

Les Lichennes
Marine Forestier
ESAAA - 14.00€ -

A novel of anticipation anchored in queer ecologies, a frenetic odyssey interwoven with songs and short poems, mixing the genres of feminist science fiction, young adult literature, space-opera and marvelous fable.

Marine Forestier lives and works in Brussels. Her writing work mixes poetry and science fiction. She collaborates on several comic book projects with illustrators Bianca Dall'Osso and Nino André and is also part of La Satellite, an artist collective and curatorial platform based in Brussels, which works around feminisms in contemporary science fiction. She publishes her texts in numerous journals and zines.

Mamma Rassise n°4
Marine Forestier
Self-Published - 9.00€ -  out of stock

Fanzine de poésie à tendance médiévo-queer et son assortiment de goodies: encart BD et planche de stickers.

Avec : 
@trobairitz_lactans @guillaumeseyller @matricule.mouche @ricardoakajohan
@sarahkorzec @constanceburgerleenhardt #HaroldBarme @touche_moulin #GraceGrenadine @estelle.coppolani @ninoa.andre @annesarah_huet @selibkide

De Scylla en Charybde
Marine Forestier
Self-Published - 10.00€ -  out of stock

De Scylla en Charybde is a poetic novel wich follows the lives of five mutants in a blurry future. The narration is a pretext to play with the sounds of words, the plasticity of a futurist poetic language.

Mamma Rassise No.3
Marine Forestier
Self-Published - 6.50€ -  out of stock

Écrire comme être un chiton, c'est à dire de soi extraire la soie chitineuse. Les squames calcaires exsudés de son fragile : des miettes d'écailles et de spicules tapissent un devenir-mollusque. Au dedans mouolles mais affamé.es, brouteur.euses à l'aube de grignotage ; il y a de quoi gratter !

avec les textes de Leo Go, moilesautresart, Marine Forestier, Suzette Haden Elgin, Ninoa André, Valentin Godard, Lucas Lazzarotto, GPT-3 soua la houlette de Guilluame Seyller; et les dessins de Patricia Lino Dias, Alix Penon.

Cinema Diva #1
Laura Automme, Marine Forestier & Aurora Desq.
Self-Published - 3.00€ -  out of stock

This publication takes the form of a cinema program, CINEMA DIVA # 1 describes and illustrates 4 movies. The texts are both poetical and critical, expressing two different views from women authors. Let's experiment the female gaze through old and current movies that you must see! Let's talk about women directors and more! 

Texts : Marine Forestier & Aurora Desq.
Illustrations : Laura Automne

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