by cthulhu books

La condición postnatural
Gabriel Alonso
cthulhu books - 27.00€ -

What is postnature? How to understand the socio-climatic crisis and where to look for new narratives for a desirable future? What is the relationship between contemporary ecology and artistic practices? The postnatural condition is a speculative glossary of terms and images, of stories and materials, an unfinished archive of intertwined thoughts. This book, which includes theoretical texts, situated examples, and artistic projects, presents a critical view of the modern Western conception of the "natural" and proposes new perspectives and resonances. Mixing affective philosophies, minor anthropologies, critical historical revisions, minimal histories, narratives, and stories on the margins, it seeks to proliferate a kaleidoscopic vision around ecology in an increasingly deteriorating world, inviting us to imagine and propose other worlds to come from respect, empathy, and coexistence.

Texts by Gabriel Alonso & Clara Benito with collaborators: Paloma Villalobo, Valentín Bansac, Nicolás Sánchez, Fionn Duffy, Aitor Frías, Andra Lena, Pop Juri, Geerts Dana, Lorenzo Galgó, Maria Morata, Valeria Mata, Maya Pita-Romero, Lily Chishan Wong, Sina Sohrab, Davide Marcianesi, Preethisakana Mathiseka, Alessandro Pasero, Anna Raffaghello, Ludmila Secchin, Federico Dopazo, Alba Noguera.

Making Kin
Institute for Postnatural Studies
cthulhu books - 15.00€ -  out of stock

When we practice becoming with another’s experience, we practice empathy. When we embody collectiveness, we understand ourselves as a whole and therefore feel no separation. What would it be like to inhabit a body without limits or definition? Which words and meanings make us feel like “non-animals”? The literary genre of xeno fiction proposes an exercise of ethological research and imagination, placing our body inside another’s perspective. This publication convenes writers and non-writers that have experimented with animal embodiment to create literary works and visual interpretations that explore different ways to experience “otherness.” In this volume of the Making Kin series, we focus on non-human animals and hybrid bodies.

Authors: Zoë De Luca Legge, Esther Merinero, Eva Piay, John Kazior, Jorge de la Cruz, Marianne Hoffmeister Castro , Luca E. Lum, Anonymous, Paula Proaño Mesías, Laura Dominguez Valdivieso, Adèle Grégorie, Morgan Wood

Compost Reader vol. I
Institute for Postnatural Studies
cthulhu books - 18.00€ -

Tongues as long as branches, cockroaches in a ‘hot-history’, the revival of extinct plants, pre-patriarchal paranthropology, thinking with toxic plants in contemporary art, digestive ontologies in a spiral, capitalist bruxism, a business school run by eukaryotes, a society where we pay to eat celebrities, a chumbo, and 800g of bonito tuna fish are some of the matters fermenting in this COMPOST READER.

From Cthulhu Books, we think of the upcoming world as a big Compost. Of composting as a new relational ontology, as our earthly condition. Composting makes us a single planetary material  (humans, being, objects, technologies). It is the past and the future. Its space, place, and it’s matter. It is a world as a whole, in which there are no separate natural and social realms, where there are celebratory rituals, entanglements, and interrelationships. Cultivating awareness from questions more than from answers, from uncertainty and doubt. 

This book talks about beginnings, new relationships, unstable ways of doing, thinking and being, letting questions breed new questions.

With Claudia González,
Adrian Schindler and Eulàlia Rovira,
Gerard Ortín,
Jonathon Keats,
Marianne Hoffmeister,
Yamil Leonardi,
Ricardo Quesada,
Sonia Fernández Pan,
Azucena Castro,
Mónica Mays,
Michael Wang
and Lucrecia Masson. 

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